

Exchange in the classroom at Singapore

nah nih noh... ini foto pas bikin group di sana.. kelasnya asiiikk banget jadi kangen :D
ini foto juga colongan dari EBIET :p makasii
di sini banyak yang gak ngeksis nih aku nya :p
pokoknya miss theemmm :*
ihh kalo liat foto-foton ini.. aku gemeesssss banget

miss the memories and i can't forget it :)


Boys Boys

These are coolest boys..
they are greyson chance and cody simpson..
love love it...
He is Cody Simpson

if him.. Greyson Chance


Ini acara menggila

ahaaaa.. ini acara menggila bareng sepupu pas liburan with mbak bella sama abel :D

hahaa,,, my holiday was spend in my house with my lovely sisters.. exactly my cousin :D